Richard’s Paint offers blended industrial thinners specifically for use in our solvent base epoxy and two-component urethane coatings.

2200-TH Epoxy Thinner
This epoxy solvent may be used for thinning and clean-up with the following products:

2400-TH Urethane Brushing Thinner
2400-TH Brushing Solvent and 2420-TH Spray Solvent may be used for thinning and clean-up with the following products:

Choosing which type of industrial floor coating to apply to your facility requires a lot of consideration. You’re looking for protection and strength, but which one is best for you? If safety is your biggest concern, going with an epoxy coating is one of your safest options. Epoxy is used in commercial kitchens, distribution facilities and assembly plants because there are plenty of moving parts that require proper traction. Without this coating, slips, spill and other accidents can become much more common. Application of epoxy can help you and your workers avoid serious injuries and allows you to get more done because of easy maintenance.
At Richard’s Paint you can find products well suited for high traffic areas like hospitals, factories, food processing plants, schools, government buildings, institutions, and at home. We offer a selection of rust resistant primers for wood and metal that resists moisture, salt spray, alkali, mildew, mild chemical washings, staining, fading and corrosion. They are easy to apply and are wear and chip resistant. Regardless of which floor coating you choose, make sure it’s done right by properly cleaning and preparing the area before applying.
We offer slip resistant, chemical resistant and stain resistant coatings that withstand the test of time, heavy impacts and foot traffic. Our coatings provide lasting shine and durability. Sealing your concrete can also provide moisture control, preventing moisture vapors from rising through the concrete. Avoid the heachache of repair with industrial-grade coatings from Richard’s Paint. To learn more about our selection and get personalized recommendations for your property, visit us today!